The weekend 22nd/23rd May was extremely hot. I was trying to paint part of the top of the boat, the area normally covered by the hatch. I found rust patches and decided to clean them up and paint the area. The paint was virtually drying on the brush as I was applying it. Coupled with the fact that the pussy willow trees were disseminating their seed - it was like a snowstorm. The little seed thingys were sticking to the paint. It was a painting nightmare so I gave up. It was too hot to do much gardening - the bankside greenery was growing so well that it would not be long before we would not be able to see out of the windows. I trimmed some of the branches of the overhanging pussy willow so I could get my aerials up without them getting tangled, then had to settle down with a cool beer.
It was a case of build some form of sunshade and enjoy the relaxation.
Climate change, climate bullshit
1 year ago