We went back to Marston Junction and moved slowly northwards on out journey. We passed through Nuneaton. We stopped by the wide bit to look at the little parade of shops that face the canal. Some were slightly derelict, some were closed. The open ones were a Polish Store and a flower shop. We weren't going to get a meals anywhere near there...
We moved to just above Springwood Marina and had a quiet night in the countryside.
The next day we moved on to Atherstone and went shopping. Down the Atherstone flight and stopped, again in the open country just above Lock 10.
The following morning we called in at the Bradley Green services before stopping at Polesworth, by the playing fields. We went for a walk around Polesworth and saw the site of the Abbey etc., unfortunately the church was closed (even though it said it was open).
During our stay at Polesworth we caught a bust back to Nuneaton and then to Bedworth (Marston) to collect the car and took it to Hopwas. Then we took the boat to Hopwas.
I don't think I took any pictures, must have forgotten!
Climate change, climate bullshit
1 year ago