Currently Constance is moored miles from anywhere. Nobody to disturb. Alongside a bit of Armco, so the 'bank' is excellent. The end of the Armco had a concrete cill at two inches above water level. This is absolutely ideal for working on the boat.
So, one outstanding job was putting in the exhaust skin fitting for the central heating. Not a big job in itself but the location (beside the Armco & cill) made simple work. However...
To get to the inside of where the skin fitting had to go meant emptying out all of the ballast weights. You know, those heavy bits of metal - odd castings, engine flywheels etc., that hold the back end of the boat in the water. Well, this revealed a load of rust. After a lot of cleaning, rust treatment, priming etc., then Danboline - a much better appearance.
Now the boat has a list to starboard and lots of scruffy weights distributed around because I can't put the weights back in until the Danboline has fully dried.
That's how one job leads to another!
Climate change, climate bullshit
1 year ago
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